Eating healthy food is sometimes a challenge with all the sugar saturated and highly salted snacks on the market today. There is nothing wrong with consuming food with sugar and salt but it should be the exception rather than the rule when it comes to eating. Moderation is the key to everything in life and that includes making choices of food.
Let’s take a look at what is healthy food. It is food that provides the proper nutrients and vitamins, is low in sugar and salt, high in fiber, low in calories and includes representatives from the healthy food pyramid, formerly known as the food pyramid. Healthy food brings to the human body a boost in energy, improving bodily functions, an improving your immune system. Healthy food will act as a line of defense for heart disease and diabetes. For anyone that is overweight, eating a healthy diet, rather than following a rigid diet plan, will allow you to lose weight easier and help maintain that weight loss.
Foods that are close to their natural state are full of amino acids better for you than anything processed. Fruits and vegetable are prime examples of food that has not wandered to far from their natural states. Vegetables that are steamed will retain a great deal of their nutritional value while vegetables that are boiled, fried and even baked lose a lot of their goodness. If a sauce is added to a vegetable dish, make sure it is not clogged with calories and fats. That will cancel out anything good the vegetables bring.
Fruits, on their own, are a great source of the necessary vitamins, minerals and proteins. An apple is very good for you but eating an apple pie at one sitting is not. Although, a slice of apple pie once in a while is not the end of the world. Remember, moderation is the key. Berries, such as strawberries, blueberries or blackberries with whole grain cereals are a plus in the breakfast department. Add a slice of whole wheat toast with light butter and breakfast is a whole new ballgame.
Instead of a fried bologna sandwich for lunch, substitute lean turkey or chicken on rye with lettuce and tomato. For an after lunch snack, grab a handful or two of nuts or dried fruits. Make a sumptuous supper with whole grain pasta, lightly buttered with a side salad made of lettuce, cucumber and bean sprouts. If you find yourself in the kitchen for a midnight snack, do not over look the value of an apple or orange.
Eating healthy food can become a habit just like eating potato chips and dip washed down with a six pack of soda. It takes some discipline but it can be done.